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Justin Lee holding a trumpet for his headshot.



JUSTIN LEE is a graduating senior living in Raleigh, North Carolina. He studies trumpet performance at the Community School of Music and Arts at Finn Center (CSMA) under Dr. Jacob Brodski, where he is a part of the Merit Scholar program. As a merit scholar, he has performed in outreach concerts for senior members of the community. He also plays in the Senior Symphony at Golden State Youth Orchestra. He has been a member of Inception since June 2021.


Justin began his musical journey on the piano at the age of 6, before switching to trumpet at 10. He also received training in music theory from CSMA, following the RCM curriculum. Justin has also dipped his feet in jazz, participating in the Stanford Jazz Workshop Summer Camp, as well as the SJW's Giant Steps Big Band in the 2018-19 school year. Since then, most of his focus has been on the classical repertoire and he is currently playing through the Hummel and Neruda Trumpet Concertos.


Justin is an avid reader who enjoys studying just about anything related to the social sciences, particularly history, political science, economics, and philosophy. He is also an active member of his church youth group leadership as well as his soccer team. 

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